15 Sept 2008

There is always a worry of writing down what in my blog for my readers. Will they view me as who I am or they look at me in the opposite. I am not a person who is good in words or expressing myself but I am still trying. 

Sitting at the side among the crowd... quietly breathing... Observing how and what others talk... Accompany my friend to pay her 'saman'... The receptionist looks tired... Perhaps it is during fasting month yet I see that she must has been hearing a lot of complains everyday... and... who would want to give a cheerful smile when you have to pay saman? Right??! 

I wonder how is her every morning. No one will smile to her when they go to pay their saman. Will you still smile to the receptionist when you have to pay your RM100 saman? Human nature - NO. One thing I want to suggest is politeness. That's all. Even it is their fault, try to be polite. I am not saying that you should let others climb on your head but hold your head and still be polite. Even it is not your fault. 

Deep breathe... blinking and thinking... Perhaps I am being sarcastic but sometimes human tend to be self-centred... That is the cause of most of the problems...  Believe me... think again... deeper... It is true... I am,again, sitting as if I am not listening but actually I am... listening to people's unreasonable complaints... I can't stay much as I know whatever I say would not help coz my friend is still 'on fire'! 

We went to the night market to get some food for our dinner... I bought some plums from a fruit stalls. This dark skinned man, put up a smile, talk to us politely the fresh fruits they have and what fruits they want to lelong... He politely handed us the basket and took the fruits from our hands. When he returned us the change, he was still very polite, he gave the change back using right hand and sort of bouced a bit to thank us. Woow! I am impressed. This is because I see that some highly educated scholar, students, politicians and even gorgeous drivers on the road tend to abuse manner when they talk and behave. This middle age fruit seller could just serve much better. Mind your manner all Malaysians! Sometimes we would forget or seldom do that. It is ok, let's us mind our manner from now!

What mood do you have while reading this blog? What are the tones in your mind while reading? I hope my sharing is an encouragement. Remember, Politeness is the best way to treat others we do not know.

Pls do me a favour... say 'E' with a longer breath... YEAH! SMILE =E... good! hehe... 



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