15 Feb 2009

it has been a busy week. Sleep after 3am every night because of Valentine. Clean, wash, pack, arrange, clear torns, wrap, design... tired... 

Do I feel worth it? I don't get high pay but I am happy, satisfied and learn skills. Happy because I can know many new faces and great people in my work place, we laugh and feel free to express ourselves, our thoughts and our crazy jokes among ourselves regardless our age and gender. Satisfied is because I learn to arrange flowers and each time when I manage to arrange the flowers beautifully I am satisfied. Whenever we can think of something new and pratical to handle and solve some problems I feel extra satisfied. The skills that I learn are beyond words. I am a person who seek what I want to learn then I will learn. Flowers arrangement - I will never look at flowers the same way again, wrapping and colour coding and combination. Communication and management skills - I see it as a good basic ground I learn and all the management theories that I studied before come alive when I work here. Relationship management. Collaboration leadership. And etc. 

Everyday I went home feeling tired, sometimes angry but somehow satisfied. When I laid down on my bed and resting my head on the new pillow Kee Aun's father bought for me, I feel contented and loved. The pillow is wonderful! The thoughts and the people behind this pillow is love. Thank you, uncle and Kee Aun. 


Last night, two days in a row, back to back, we were 'paid to celebrate Valentine'. Believe it or not? But it is true. We worked for Valentine. We walked ard Jaya One and sold flowers. We got rejection; at the same time; we witnessed people who bought the flowers out of love to give to their special onse. I am not doing any advertising here but the feeling of seeing others happy is the joy that satisfied me. Flowers will die and fade away but the feelings of receiving the flowers will stay forever in the heart and memory.

Some people buy flowers to impress gals; some buy for their special ones just because of love. Just remember, the flowers are not wrong, the flowerist are not wrong too. It is the intention and what you do with the flowers to the person you give that is the point. In my opinion, any lady in this world, no matter what age, they deserve to receive flowers. Expensive, carefully wrapped and designed bouquet of flowers or just simply one or raw stalks of flowers. THEY JUST DESERVE IT! Those who spend also must be wise when spending that's all I can say. But, I really believe a woman deserve to receive flowers; at least once; in their life. 



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