I want to use my personal blog to give thanks to my students in 4C again for their effort in updating the blogs, leaving comments and encouragement for me. I really appreciate all that and I really mean it.
Those who gave me cards with their handwriting and handmade gifts from 4C. They would be one of my treasures. Thanks once again. They really mean a lot to me.
Teaching 4C and 4I has been a challenge for me as these two claases have a big gap in interest, class culture, talent and even proficiency level. 4I is not the weak one but both classes have a gap in their proficiency level. We all are still learning. However, one thing I am sure these two classes have in common is they enjoy role-play activity ;)
The saying says 'It is the moutain we conquer but it is ourselves' and it is very true.
For the past 10 weeks, I learnt more than I expect. I have hard times as a trainee teacher as there are many things I have never come across. I worked as HR executive assistance and clerk, cashier, customer service and etc. yet teaching is none like them. It is a profession which demands passion, endless care and strong characters.
I hope my other friends who went for teaching practice could be movitated and inspired to be teachers. At least I am ONE yet I am still considering to be or not to be a teacher. It is not easy. Don't think that it is because we can't get better offered that we go into teaching. That is the result of what disappointed teachers might behave for a moment as if it is because they have no other jobs. They were once passionate, energetic, beautiful and brave just that the later generation will have no chance to see and experience her lessons.
What do you think about being teachers? If any teacher ever come across your mind, start to appriciate he/she. Give her a smile, greet her, give her a call and etc.