3 Jan 2009

Perhaps today the lesson God wants me to learn is forgiveness. 

What a day~!!!!!! 

Situation number 1: JAM and very jam in the car park. Drivers were pressing their horn non stop and without mercy regardless whether you are the cause of the jam or not. I am serious abt the NON STOP part. Crazy than some penang drivers. The sound, the horn, and the congestion give us such a stress.

Situation 2: I went to Guardian. Lined up at the pharmacy counter. Not feeling well, heavy flue that caused my right ear can't hear properly and carrying my heavy laptop. Waited patiently for the families in front to settle their payment coz something worng with their credit cards. There were a couple, a lady and a tall western friend plus I myself lining up to wait for our turn. Being understanding customers, we waited patiently and holding his breath for the congestion. Mable waited for me til almost melting and she was still waiting without a sound. Suddenly, an auntie and uncle came, cut our line as if they owned the shop and rush to buy their medication. 

I don't understand why the pharmacist served them instead of us who had been lining up more than 20 min. What a DAY!!! When it was our turn, they didn't serve us politely but just throw the medication we want on the counter. Looking from their point of view, I know they are stress and the auntie and uncle need their medication but we are customers and also seriously needing our medication too... we didn't even show them any faces =.="... What a day! What is the problem???

Situation 3: Then, Mable and I went to Coffee Bean. I bought my coffeee and go online. I have no other choice but use the the nearest plug. Here come a group of teens. That two guys rush to buy drinks and kicked my adapter. My laptop and my coffee were almost on the floor!!! I know that in this situation there is no right or wrong so immediately without thinking I apologised. Irony is THEY GAVE ME A LOOK AND STARED AT ME! Mable and I were pissed too. Gentlemen! What is in your mind!!!

I told Mable that they gave me a look even I apologised first. And, in this pissed situation I did complain but I did not curse. I said out loud coz I knew that their gals' frens are behind me. WHAT A DAY!!!! They stood up when the guys walked here and said out loud that they want to move place to another side with a rude tone. I did feel uncomfortable. However, I choose to pretend I do not care anymore and I do not bother to look. Many customers will do what I do which is sit to the nearest table less than even 0.5 metre and plug in to go online. Well, I won't say out loud next time or at least wait til they left. I don't know what is the problem. It was an accident! Gentlemen!!! =.="

WHAT A DAY!!!!! I do not want to let these poeple spoil my mood. It is affecting Mable's mood as well. Ending this blog with prayer. 


MLHY* said...

urgh!! i cannot tahan rude people...

MLHY* said...

keeaun! u are so right!!!! hahahahah


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