13 Jan 2010

It is like another class in campus. The room is exactly like UM tutorial room even the chairs and the white board, worst than the tutorial room in Edu fac. I tell myself it is really a bored room, is meant to make someone bored xD

The tutor blah blah blah at the front. I learnt something new today. I praise God. I ask God for forgiveness as I cannot stop yawning and feeling bored when I was in the room.

Change one change three.

Waited there for an appointment that suddenly cancelled. Timetable went hire wired.

Worked in subway and suddenly Excel went crazy. Most of the data was gone.

It was a bad start but God turned it to be a blessed day. I thank God for that and pray that He will continue to provide. Amen.

eh eh eh, THURSDAY is coming! xD


StephenFranklin said...

Hello, I stumbled upon your blog, I'm trying to gather a Bible study group for my blog, I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it and follow if you like. I just want to spread the love God has to give. Thank you!



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