22 Mar 2010

There is no good or bad decision. Life is about a new thing after another new thing.

Comfortable secure is not secure at all.

Success is not equal to work. Success is letting God live through you.

Senior Pastor Ong Sek Leang

12 Mar 2010

Many exploration of myself and growing relationship with the people around me.

Time passes so fast that I could not have time to release my thoughts in my post.

This is the most dry season I have ever encountered. I did not know why and still do not know why.

I cried while driving as I miss those days walking closely with God.

Where is the problem? I am still searching but I know that God still loves me regardless how I feel.

I enjoy teaching and I like my job. I enjoy that every moment of my life is used for the good of my company and for my students. I am always busy with something which keep me alive.

I see conflicts in myself and complications. Where has simplicity gone to?

I wish I will not need to sleep or rest so that I will finish ALL my things in hand then take a big rest but I know that this just cannot be happening.


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