29 Apr 2011

I had a bad month. Not just a bad month. It has been more than two bad months. Teachers IN OUT, students crying because of several reasons that have nothing to do with me or my lessons, weird parents and their complaints, messy management from HQ, partner who is unable to assist me in most of need, demanding lesson plans for English classes especially Korean students and students who have retain in a level for very long, teachers of mine who face death and facing chronic illness.

Looking back at the photos (I can't share them with you as it is P&C and I need to get permissions from parents if I were to use their photos), I smile sweetly. My centre is not bad. I have been thinking negatively that it has been bad. And, most of all, it is my students. They are adorable. I love them. When I look at the books of the programme I am running. I truly see one thing: knowledge. I don't see money as most business person would do.



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