29 Oct 2009

I can't wait for my car to come. I can't wait to practice driving and drive myself to work.

I am very exciteeeed!

Thinking back, I am very grateful I teach in my School. The harsh and stressful working condition train me for greater things to come. My limited pay allows me to spend wisely and learn to value my profession even more.

My passion and love for children have never stopped and I still love my students.

One thing I like about my school is the system. It has a set of system to run the school and to reduce many paper work teachers and principals have to do. This is the system that really works and still improving to be better. The next thing I like about the school is the environment the founder of the school creates for the children since the beginning. Moreover, it has a very holistic programme to develop children's soft skill, character as well as academic. The enrichment programmes the School offer can't be found in any other schools.

However, there are more rooms for improvement and the School should practice flexibility. The School needs to improve the well fare of the employees and improve the learning activities in class.

I still pray that God bless the School as the School is blessing some other people too.



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