27 Feb 2011

I want to be fit. I am been in the dilemma of renting house and staying at places that are old. When will I have a new house? New kitchen, living room, toilet, bedroom and working room?

God puts me in it. I don't know why. I feel so dry and down for the past few weeks and I don't have any choices or any side to go when I am down into oppression, accusation and stress.

I feel disappointed. The faith is there but the Jesus I used to be so closed with is as though absent. His voice says that He is still here, His words tell me that He will never leave me but I can't sense His anointing and strong sweet wet presence for a long time already.

When will it be back to normal? My life has been stirred until it can't go back to normal but I pray it will be beautiful blessing flowing everywhere by the end of the day.



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