3 Feb 2011

Love. Children. Loved one. Friends. Brothers and sisters.

If you love him/her, give him a blank piece of paper to create.

Present him every opportunity to hand on to help than prepare everything and too comfortable; thus, he forgets how to have comfort and immune to servant hood.

Prepare him a room, with simple bed, simple table, chair and shelfs, for growth, improvement and self discovery.

Give him space to move, express and to be moody.

Give him a wide window for sunlights to shine and shadows to follow so he can feel life, nature and beauty.

Prepare him simple food and simple 'umbrella' for 'rain' - you know what 'umbrella' you need for your home and loved ones.

Show him discipline, talk and reinforcement when it is needed.

'spare the rod, spoil the child'. - Proverbs

'If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. ' - Matthew.

'Love thy neighbour like your love thyself'

Show respect, love, care, good response, flexibility, share wise thoughts for action is louder than words - he WILL follow and realise.

Put God first for no other things should be before the Almight.

------ Kicpling ------



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